Midlife Metamorphosis
My midlife metamorphosis truly began in 2012 after a nearly fatal pulmonary embolism and I'm still evolving. It's a phenomenon I've witnessed in many friends this past twelve years. Women in midlife are a truly phenomenal force. We become new people. We change, improve, resist and demand our boundaries be respected. This can look like so many things depending on the individual: - the artist - the hippie - the gym/fitness junkie - the activist - the active lifestylist - the granny - the adventurer etc, etc. or any mix of all those personality types. It's easy to lose respect for people you previously allowed into your inner circle when you begin to realise you fundamentally disagree on just about everything, it's okay to move on and leave behind the baggage of your old life. For me personally I embraced my creative and adventure seeking traits, I also became vocal about my liberal ideals in politics and human aspiration, but most impo...