Tips for Returning to Exercise after Covid
We're recovering from a bout of covid. It's a nasty virus that's for sure! So, whilst recovering it's good to remember a few tips:
- Rest first - we spent two weeks resting before we started to get back to exercise! Sometimes rest is the best thing you can do after a nasty virus hits!
- When you are ready to return to exercise set a time limit, so you aren't tempted to overdo it! Today we decided to go cycling and we chose 20 mins around our neighbourhood as a good goal.
- Walking is a great way to ease back into exercise! Take a walk each day, adding some time as you feel able. Walking allows you to gauge your level of recovery and adjust easily.
- Don't push too hard! If you overdo it you could wind up feeling awful, so just slowly resume regular activities over a a few weeks (or even months depending on your individual needs).