Back on the Bike

I had a frustrating appointment with my physiotherapist today.

Despite me telling him my biggest concern/pain was an impingement or subluxation happening on the bridge of my foot he gave me exercises for quads and glutes and insisted I was not ready to work on the ankle. Not all exercise stresses the joint FFS. Anyway I was angry after I left and felt he was just prescribing his usual treatment for 3 weeks post op instead of listening to me and considering my individual case.

I am in pain when I walk. I refuse to wait two more weeks until our next appointment, I am potentially doing more injury to bones/joints when I walk.

I have hypermobile Ehlers Danlos which he knows.  My joints are more prone to issues so his usual treatments for regular patients won't necessarily address my needs. 

I doubt if he had my pain he'd ignore it! 

So I decided to do the one thing that usually helps me relieve pain from foot and ankle subluxation.  


Against all advice, I'm back on the bike. 

We're also picking routes that minimise the need to stop. So I don't need to get on and off to cross roads etc. That minimises chance of injury during mount and dismount. 
It's harder to pedal with the seat lowered but foot safety has to come first.  It's still only 3 weeks and two days since my foot surgery.
I cycled for over a hour today and my pain has improved drastically.  
So whilst I don't indiscriminately recommend ignoring medical advice, I do recommend listening to your gut instincts and never allow yourself to become a number to a medical practitioner.  If they are not tailoring treatment to suit you walk away.  
I'm also planning to get back to beach swimming/exercise this week because it's more relaxing than going to a busy indoor aquatic centre to use a hydrotherapy pool and it is just as close by.

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