Planned Rest Days

It's important to plan rest days into your physical fitness regimen. 

Wednesdays are my usual rest day because I teach yoga on Thursday mornings and want my muscles fresh and ready for the class. My usual daily fitness activity on Wednesdays is a dog walk early in the day. Today we walked for about 30 mins. 

3 Reasons for Rest Days

  1. Muscles need a break to truly work to peak efficiency
  2. Your body needs a day to focus on hydration
  3. Mental rest - sometimes it's hard to find the time for everything in life, rest days give you a mental break from that constant juggling act
I also went thrift shopping today which is a passion of mine! Here's a quick Instagram reel featuring a couple of sporty finds I had to leave behind but loved:
You can only own so many vintage sporty things 😂🚴‍♀️⛳

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