Migraine & Perseverance

This year I'm trying my darnedest to get a little exercise every day. Some days are easier than others! Yesterday I woke up at 9.30am and was lethargic due to a migraine. 

I take two preventative medications that often prevent me feeling pain but do not prevent all the symptoms.

My most common symptoms these days are fatigue and weakness on one side; particularly the face:

I have had a CT scan at the emergency department previously whilst in this state to rule out stroke. 

Yesterday was Monday which is usually a body care day to rest my muscles, so I rested my migrainal body and just did plank a couple of times late in the day. 

But today despite still being extremely fatigued I did do my usual 12 minutes of feet up inversion:

And some stretches and strength as well. But I kept it to 20 minutes total today and skipped cardio to further rest my body.
I'm just focused on rest for the rest of the day in hopes this migraine will pass, so Netflix and a little knitting:
So on day two of this migraine I'm keeping it real here on my blog. THIS is part of the reason why I'm obese; juggling a health and fitness regimen and chronic health issues is a delicate balance. 

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