The F word!

The F word, FITNESS is a relative term. 

Wikipedia says:

Physical fitness is a state of health and well-being and, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations and daily activities. Physical fitness is generally achieved through proper nutrition,[1] moderate-vigorous physical exercise,[2] and sufficient rest.[3]

So keep in mind nothing in that statement says thin!

Although I have known for years that people underestimate me because of my weight/size, I only very occasionally pointed out their arrogance or used body positive hashtags and language. That is changing in 2021! People have a tendency to think larger women don't workout or exercise, that is very often far from the truth. There are many medical reasons a person may be considered overweight or obese by medical standards. I am embracing the hashtag #fortiesfitness and #curvyandstrong this year on social media because I think they are hashtags that can be empowering without expectations of being thin!

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